About Me
I have been a musician all my life.
I have played with some great bands in the past. I absolutely love the crowd vibe, the feed I used to call it You present your music to the crowd and they feed you their energy. It's a trade back and forth until everyone is peeking at the same time.
That is the past and a great one at that.
I now have the opportunity to be in my home studio everyday immersing myself into the music genres I love and writing music I know you will love like I do.
It's such a blessing to be alive and to be a creative artist in my life right now.
It brings me so much happiness to know you love what I'm doing, so send me a message, follow me on Instagram or Spotify, It's where I am the most active on social media and I keep my playlists fresh too!
Thank You from the depth's of my soul!
Where we connect is up to you!